FlashDemo Pro 5.0 review

by rbytes.net on

Create flash demo, tutorial and presentations for wesite,exe file & autorun CDs.

License: Shareware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 5190K
Developer: Longtion Software
Buy Now
Price: $69.00
Updated: 12 Jan 2013
5 stars award from rbytes.net

FlashDemo Pro 4.0 is presentation tools software developed by Longtion Software.
FlashDemo Pro is a very powerful tool that lets you create professional demos and tutorials without programming knowledge. There are no complicated interfaces and your demonstration or presentation could be ready in just minutes. FlashDemo Pro works by taking a series of screenshots of a running application. It records the actions being taken on the application and so is able to demonstrate a simulation of these actions.
This program is shareware, which means you can download and use FlashDemo Pro 4.0 for free during 30-days trial period. After this period you gonna have to buy FlashDemo Pro 4.0 software for $69.00 or uninstall the program. FlashDemo Pro 4.0 supports English interface languages and works with Windows XP/Vista.
We have tested FlashDemo Pro 4.0 for spyware and adware modules. The software is absolutely safe to install.
We has completely tested presentation tools software FlashDemo Pro 4.0 many times, written and published the interesting article and uploaded installation file (5187K) to our fast server.
Downloading FlashDemo Pro 4.0 will take minute if you use fast ADSL connection.

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